28 惊奇还是意外(7)

Above, because the Ice Bank's underbelly spread over us like an immense ceiling.


Below, because the somersaulting block, shifting little by little, had found points of purchase on both side walls and had gotten jammed between them.


The Nautilus was imprisoned in a genuine tunnel of ice about twenty meters wide and filled with quiet water.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址So the ship could easily exit by going either ahead or astern, sinking a few hundred meters deeper, and then taking an open passageway beneath the Ice Bank.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址The ceiling lights were off, yet the lounge was still brightly lit.


This was due to the reflecting power of the walls of ice, which threw the beams of our beacon right back at us.


Words cannot describe the effects produced by our galvanic rays on these huge, whimsically sculpted blocks, whose every angle, ridge, and facet ga上海龙凤shlf最新地址ve off a different glow depending on the nature of the veins running inside the ice.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址It was a dazzling mine of gems, in particular sapphires and emeralds, whose jets of blue and green crisscrossed.


Here and there, opaline hues of infinite subtlety raced among sparks of light that were like so many fiery diamonds, their brilliance more than any eye could stand.


The power of our beacon was increased a hundredfold, like a lamp shining through the biconvex lenses of a world-class lighthouse.


How beautiful! Conseil exclaimed.


Yes, I said, it's a wonderful sight! Isn't it, Ned?
